. Privacy Policy - Bajrangi Packers
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Bajrangi Packers - Privacy Policy

What this Privacy Policy Covers
This Privacy Policy Covers Bajrangi Packers treatment of Personal Information, links to blogs and other websites that are not owned or controlled by Bajrangi Packers, Security and Confidentiality policy of Bajrangi Packers and Changes in this Privacy Statement of company.
Links to Other Sites from bajrangipackers.com
There are links to other web site form bajrangipackers.com. These website are not controlled by Bajrangi Packers. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of such sites.
Information Collection & Use on bajrangipackers.com
Bajrangi Packers is owner of information collection on the Bajrangi Packers Website. We do not share or sell your information to anyone without your written consent.
Security and Confidentiality
We gather information includes IP addresses, browser type, requested pages, operating system, and the time and date your browser requested our pages. We use this information to analyses trends and it does not identify individual visitors. We track visitor movements around the site and to gather demographic information for website visitor’s analysis purpose only.
Changes in this Privacy Statement
This Privacy Statement is an evolving document. We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Statement at any time.