. Paper Tube
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Paper Tube

Bajrangi Packers is one of the leading paper tube manufacturer and supplier across a variety of retail and industrial applications. We offer paper tube in deserve sizes and colors at reasonable industry leading price. We offer some of the strongest cardboard tubes in the industry. Our paper tubes can meet a variety of needs for different industries

Bajrangi Packers works around the clock in order to ensure that the products we offer are among the most technologically innovative in the industry!

We supply paper tube in all sizes.

What is Paper Tube

Paper Tubes are cylinder-shaped components that are made with cardboard, kraft paper, recycled paper, waterproof/water resistant cardboard.

What is use of Paper Tube

Paper Tubes are used in printing and design services, industrial manufacturing, flexible packaging and in other businesses.

Bajrangi Packers offers finest quality range of Paper Tubes. We are using quality grade Cardboard material, kraft paper, recycled paper, waterproof/water resistant cardboard for manufacturing Paper Tubes.
